Lights Out 2010

Lights Out


Original Title
Simon Werner A Disparu...

Hong Kong Title
Lights Out

Plot Synopsis

March 1992, in a small town in the suburbs of Paris.

During an alcohol fuelled party, teenagers discover a body hidden in the bushes of a forest. A body that seems lifeless. Two weeks earlier. Simon, a 16 year-old teenager, has not shown up for class. Blood stains are found in a class-room. Run-away, kidnap, suicide, murder? A few days later, Laetitia, a student from the same class goes missing without her parents knowing where she has gone. A young girl with no dark background or connection to Simon. The next day, Jean-Baptiste, a third student, also disappears. Rumors start to spread. The psychosis begins...


Jérémie Legrand - un élève de terminale

Alice Cartier - la belle fille de la calsse

Frédéric - un élève de terminale

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